
Clippings provide you an easy way to store and enter any sort of frequently used text, including program code, HTML markup, or just about anything else. Clippings can be language-sensitive, and their optional ability to run scripts and insert the results, further extends their flexibility and usefulness.

Want to create your own clippings? Check out the ClippingPlaceholderReference.

Bare Bones also makes user-contributed clippings available at the BBEdit web site for the following:

  • 4D Structure Builder
  • Apache Ant
  • BibTeX
  • Bourne Shell
  • Cappuccino
  • ColdFusion
  • CSS Extended
  • Drupal
  • Django
  • DocBook Lite
  • HTML5
  • Java
  • JSP
  • Lasso
  • LaTeX
  • MySQL Builder
  • NetCloak
  • Perl 5
  • SASS
  • WebYep
  • WordPress
  • XSLT
  • XUL

More User-created Clippings sets